Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Arial JUNO.BMP Error; Warning explorer.exe! Where would you like to install Juno?b You cannot install Juno onto the installation disk.A Juno already exists in %s. Continuing this installation will upgrade your software and enable you to read and write your mail using the latest version of Juno. Do you want to continue?b Continue Installation( juno.1a bin\juno.exeB Installation cannot proceed because the system is out of resources. Please close some applications and try again.A Installation cannot be completed because an error has occured. The error code is %d. Please call technical support at 800/586-6889.B bin\juno.exe Continue Installation( The version of your existing Juno software cannot be read. Would you like to proceed with the installation anyway?A Continue Installation( Your installed Juno software is more recent than the one you are trying to install. Do you really want to install Juno (you will need to use a different directory)?A bin\wlcc.dll bin\al10w16.dll bin\widgets.dll bin\sscedlg.dll bin\sscewd.dll We are unable to create the directory %s. Please try a different one.b We couldn't figure out which disk you're trying to install Juno on. Please enter another path.A We couldn't figure out how much disk space you have. Please choose another disk to install Juno on.A There isn't enough space on the drive containing the directory %s. We need at least %s bytes to install Juno. Please delete some files and try again or specify a different drive to use.b 10 MB* juno.z Creating Juno program group.% JUNO.EXE juno.exe Junoa Junob Installation Complete. Installation Complete( Juno has been installed successfully. Would you like to run Juno now?A Thank you for installing Juno. When you want to use it, select the Juno icon accessible from the 'Start Menu'.A Thank you for installing Juno. When you want to use it, make sure Windows is running and click on the Juno icon in the Program Manager.A Are you sure want to cancel this installationA juno% client4.keya client3.key! client5.keya client3.key! An error has occurred while attempting to decompress and copy the files.* juno! Installing files in b juno2 juno.n Please insert Disk b An error has occured while copying the file %s. The file was not copied. Error FS_OPERROR.b An error has occured while copying the file %s. The file was not copied. Error FS_GENERROR.b Unable to write to destination location. Incorrect disk inserted. Please insert the correct disk.A Incorrect disk inserted. Please insert the disk labeled Disk 1A Unable to copy files due to an internal error.A Unable to copy files to destination due to insufficient disk space. Error FS_OUTOFSPACE. An error occured while copying and decompressing files.A Setup could not be completed due to errors. Please clear up the causes of the errors and try again.A 3.00.071